Myofascial Release Therapists:
Free Your Body From Pain and Tension
The human body is a unified and well-coordinated mechanism where organs and systems are interconnected. If one element is not functioning properly, others suffer as well. Spinal curvature, for example, triggers the development of musculoskeletal disorders and disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Similarly, eye strain can lead to migraines and increased fatigue.
That’s why comprehensive health improvement methods have become widely popular. Myofascial release is a method that can help solve various problems. In this article, we will discuss what this methodology entails and which fascia release therapist to consult.
What is Myofascial Release and How Does it Work?
Myofascial release (MFR) is a type of physiotherapeutic treatment that involves manual massage to alleviate pain, relax muscles, and facilitate releasing fascia.

Fascia, the "soft skeleton," is the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles and bones, blood vessels, ligaments, and tendons. It determines the body's structural type and individual characteristics. Myofascial tissues help transmit nerve impulses and facilitate movement, protecting the body and absorbing impact during falls and injuries by dispersing the force of impact.
The methodology is great for many parts of the body: neck, face, shoulders, arms, jaw, lower back, thighs, calves, and feet.
Myofascial release works by targeting trigger points, which are highly sensitive areas of fascial tissues that can develop due to overstrain, trauma, stress, or chronic conditions.
These trigger points can cause pain in their localized areas and other parts of the body through nerve connections. Myofascial treatments affect muscles and connective tissue simultaneously. Excessive muscle tension, the underlying cause of myofascial pain, is addressed, relieving both the primary symptom and cause.
Myofascial structure is relaxed by compressing some muscles while stretching others.
Myofascial release (MFR) is a type of physiotherapeutic treatment that involves manual massage to alleviate pain, relax muscles, and facilitate releasing fascia.

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Types of Myofascial Release Techniques
During the utilization of the unique methodology of myofascial release therapists can apply various myofascial techniques:
- Applied pressure. One of the key techniques of myofascial release, widely used in therapy to alleviate pain, relax muscles and fascia, as well as to restore normal tissue mobility. It is based on moderate pressure on specific points or areas of tissue where tension or tightness is felt.
- Stretching. This involves slowly and deliberately stretching muscles and fascia to improve flexibility and mobility. You can target specific muscles or muscle groups that need relaxation.
- Manual manipulation. Involves gentle stretches and massage movements. Used in myofascial release to relax and relieve tension in muscles and fascia, as well as to improve blood and lymph circulation in the body's tissues.
A myofascial therapist may use special tools such as rollers, balls, or sticks, vacuum cupping machines to enhance the relaxation and release effect.

Myofascial Massage Benefits
Myofascial massage therapy is widely popular, and for good reason, as the methodology has beneficial effects on the body:
- Reduces pain. Myofascial massage can significantly reduce the intensity and frequency of pain in various areas of the body, including the back, neck, and shoulders, as well as headaches associated with tension and stress.
- Improves mobility and flexibility. Fascia release techniques contribute to increased mobility and flexibility of the body, improving the functioning of joints, muscles, and fascia while also reducing the risk of injuries.
- Relaxes muscles. Myofascial release therapy massage promotes the relaxation of muscles and fascia, resulting in noticeably tightened skin and reduced wrinkles. Additionally, the procedure reduces stiffness and overall tension in the body.
- Enhances blood and lymphatic circulation. Myofascial massage techniques aid in the removal of toxins and improve metabolism in tissues.
After just one session of myofascial release, many patients report improvements in their emotional state, a sense of lightness in the body, and increased vitality.

Myofascial Release Dangers
Myofascial therapy massage rarely causes complications or side effects. However, individuals with the following conditions should avoid the procedure:
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Stage 3-4 Varicose Veins
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Thrombophlebitis
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Cancer
- Infectious, Skin, or Chronic Illnesses during exacerbation
- Blood Clotting Disorders (Hemophilia)
- Osteoporosis
Consult a physiotherapist or manual therapist before the procedure. They can assess the pros and cons of the therapy for you and provide necessary recommendations.
Relieve Pain by Using the Services of a Myofascial Release Therapist
Many of us often encounter acute, chronic, bodily, and other types of pain that limit movement and worsen quality of life. At such times, the services of a specialist in myofascial release can be a real lifesaver.
I, Svitlana Kmit, am a top-tier licenced massage therapist, fascia specialist, and the author of the “Kmit Method”. My practice is based on a deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology, as well as ongoing education and research in fascia and myofascial release.

My goal is to provide clients with structural myofascial release procedures and help them gain confidence, comfort, and harmony with themselves. I believe that health and well-being are within reach of everyone, and I am ready to share my skills and experience with you, and other licensed massage therapists, so many more people could get a chance to benefit from it.
Fascia refers to connective tissue that surrounds nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, and muscles, forming a framework around these systems. It consists mainly of protein fibers—collagen and elastin—that form dense networks.
This unique massage technique targets the fascia using skin rolling, grips and tissue stretching with fingertips, fists, elbows.
The treatment involves different therapeutic methods to release tension and restore balance to the myofascial system. These methods include applying prolonged pressure, stretching, and gently manipulating the tissue.